主页 > 电影观后感


2013-04-10 13:25 来源:观后感 作者:www.guanhougan.net

  2012,human will defeat

  Recently, I have watched the film <2012> again. Also ,the film still left me with a deep impression and many questions that people need to reconsider again.

  What should we do if the ending of the world really comes? That is the first question that everyone will first consider . In front of the natural disasters, everyone seems too small,they can't prevent them at all.But human are a kind of special creatures ,they have many telents and potentialities. The most important thing is that human know to love and unite ,this helps them overcome any difficulities

  I have read some news about this film in the newspapers . If the 2012 comes ,if the Noah's Ark really exists(存在), who can go on board and leave away from the Earth. People argue with each other about this problem. Someone says the presidents of some countries, someone says some famous scientists,someone says the children and women and so on. That is quite a difficult choice. But some people insist(坚持 )that everyone is equal(平等的) and people should face this disaster together .I agree with this because all of us have the right to survive. Survive or death is not depends on how mang contributions (贡献)they have made to our society .Rebuilding the world needs everyone's efforts ,not only those scientists and politic leaders.

  Another question that people should considered is our environment. With the developments of science and technology ,people ask for too much from the nature and 排出discharge a lot of waste. The weather is becoming more and more hotter and the sea level is rising.If we still break our environment,we will be punished by the nature and the 2012 will really comes.

  Get out of your chair,everyone.In order to protect our environment ,in order to avoid 2012's coming ,in order to build a human bright future, let us unite(让我们团结起来) .Human are the most wisdom(聪明) creature!  

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